Monday, March 31, 2014

A Little Update

I know that I've been absent from this blog for a little while. I'm sorry.  I have a good reason though. I have been busy working on starting a little business for fun and taking care of our sweet Little Sprouts.

Here is a little of what we have been up to in February:
We built shelves in our Powder Room, but I still have to finish them off...yup, I know.
We celebrated Joel's 26th Birthday and Mr. Magoo learned to sing Happy Birthday.
Mr. Man's hours were cut back to 36 hours a week, we definitely are thankful that he still has a job, we are enjoying him home, but looking forward to normal hours again D.V.
We enjoyed watching our boys grow, learn and become better friends.

Here is a little of what we have been up to in March:
March started off this a busy B-A-N-G! Uncle M and Aunt K came down for a weekend and babysat Dr. B while Mr. Man and I took our excited Mr. Magoo to Monster Jam. (he Christmas present which he LOVED and asks every single day to go again!)  We had our young couples group (10 couples) over for a couples version of Minute to Win It and had a great time.  We are definitely doing this again.
We took the boys to a Reptile Zoo. Mr. MaGoo was so fun to watch petting snakes, lizards and alligators (Yup - Mommy didn't dare).
We unfortunately caught an awful flu bug that wiped Dr. B, Mr. MaGoo and I completely off our feet for two and a half days!  Thankfully Mr. Man got only a light flu and was a great help.
I celebrated my 26th birthday with my boys and the flu.
Mr. Man worked a little more on the deck and the boys enjoyed one warmer day on their swing set.
Mr. Man and I started working on building our Little Sprouts hanging bunk beds and finally getting to decorating their room.

So what is ahead in April and May for us?
The Lord Willing it will involve finishing up many projects that we have been waiting for warmer weather to do, more planning and preparation for my sisters wedding, outside spring clean up (I can't wait for this), many walks with the Little Sprouts and hopefully normal hours for Mr. Man once again.

We definitely have many things to be thankful for in the past two months.  Our Heavenly Father has blessed us with a roof over our heads, food on our table and clothing on our backs.  He has blessed us with health and healing, a great marriage built on Christ as the solid foundation, Little Sprouts that bring laughter, love, endless questions/chatter, teach patience, and daily show us our need for Christ.  We definitely serve an AWESOME God who has everything in His control - Praise the Lord!

I have also joined Facebook again - but not to have a personal wall.  So if I decline your friend request, I am not trying to be rude, I just have chosen not to use the personal part of FB and only use it for my little business.  I hope that you can understand.

That is it for now - I have some work to do - and then I will have some pictures to post :)