Sunday, September 29, 2013

The Falls

We decided to spend Saturday visiting some of Daddy's siblings and taking the boys to the Falls.  
This was G's first reactions - he was loving it!

B was enjoying people watching and thought he could grab the "Maid of the Mist"! 

Mommy and B

Daddy and G

Both of the boys were fascinated with the rushing water and the boat!  
We were getting a little (okay more than a little) wet from the mist, but neither boy seemed to mind, there was to much to see!  We brought the stroller, but neither boy stayed in it very long!

G and Daddy

Okay - so this photo was edited :) but I was loving how my camera was capturing the rainbow!

This photo wasn't edited at all!  The seagull was about 3 feet away from us!  I love it - but I'm not about to frame a seagull! 

G enjoyed first observing and then playing with his cousins.  B loved the "new" smiling faces, hair for him to pull and faces to give slobbery kisses to!

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Thanks so much for clicking on by to virtually visit us! We hope you enjoyed visiting with us and would love to hear from you!
Hugs! The Little Sprouts!