Tuesday, October 1, 2013

G's Apron

Late last night I decided to finally put my mind to it and start G's apron!  I needed total concentration to make the pattern and cut it out, so that is what I did last night.  This morning after breakfast I set to work ironing on the Vinyl and sewing it!  G kept asking if his apron was "Done Sewing Mommy? Mine?"

Trying it on his! He loved it and wouldn't stand still for the picture! He thought running around in it was great!  I made it with snaps, so that as he grows a little bigger in the next 1-2 years I can just expand the snaps and not have to remake the apron.  Gotta love those snaps!
Now he is all ready to help "make Brownie's Mommy" and lick out the bowl!

After cleaning up all the blocks and toys last night, before breakfast this morning the floor already looked this this.  G busy making his "twain trawk"and B happily chewing on G's soother without G finding out.  It took G about 30 minutes to finally realize that B had his soother - B was in his glory with that prized soother of G's!

...and now to finish our day with laundry, dinner making and housework!
(and get me some sinutab...currently a snuffleupagus along with both little sprouts)


  1. Love the apron! AND the fabric - perfect for a little chef/baker in training!! Hope the cold is short-lived for u all!! I just said to Dad (when we watched the video) - "sounds just like Lynnette has a cold..." :( Take care of yourself ;) Why does B like G's soother so? The taste (lol lol - YUK!) or maybe that is ONE thing that he sees G with that he can get his little fingers on! lol cute!! What does G do when he DOES notice? xo

  2. Mom, Grayson has a bird! "No B! My Soos! B!"


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Hugs! The Little Sprouts!