Thursday, November 14, 2013

Typical Lunch Time with the Little Sprouts!

G-man is a lot of fun lately.  He is constantly learning the names of food that we eat and starting to request certain items.
"Fench Fies" were on the request list today!

He also has two favourite Thomas Trains (Victor and Stanely) that go everywhere with him.  They eat breakfast and lunch too :)

B-man is a very happy and easy lunch eater.  He LOVES his yogurt and will out eat G-man at lunch time no problem!

 This is his FAVOURITE yogurt! (and his Daddy's too!)

Our G-man deep in thought! Sometimes I would love to know what is going through his brain and his thought patterns.  For being 28 months - somethings he does, remembers or says amaze me!

1 comment:

  1. Good - your putting up pictures again! Love seeing them! xo


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