Monday, December 16, 2013

Life #2

G-Man has recently found out why Reddiwip in a can is so much fun!  He likes to push a chair up to the fridge and help himself to the can and then bring it to one of us to get his mouth filled. 

Poor little B-Man wasn't feeling very well last week.  He definitely took advantage of this and snuggled with Mr. Man as much as possible!

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Miss Dolly's Diaper Bag & TrainMaster G-Man's Train/Racecar Tote

Recently a SIL asked me to make a diaper bag for her girl for Christmas.  I looked online and found a pattern that I changed a little to make a little larger and added a bottle pocket.

I couldn't stop with "just" a diaper bag, so I made Miss Dolly a couple diapers lined with minky.  This had G-Man asking "Mommy make ME diapers?"

Then I made Miss Dolly two bibs and a Miss Dolly sized receiving blanket.

 And well - a diaper bag isn't completely packed without at least one toy, so a doll sized tag blanket was added.  

When I was finished I was really hoping that I could become a little girl and play again.  I still remember my parent's buying my sister and I a real baby diaper bag for big "Jessica Doll" and a package of real diapers to put on those life size dolls.  That being said the doll is about the size of my 12 month old B-Man!
G-Man was bummed when he was told it was for his cousin.  So what did Mommy do? Yup, dig through my fabric stash and find the rare boy "okay" fabric and make him one.
"Daddy look! George! Daddy for me!"-G-Man

I had so much fun I couldn't stop and am making one for each of my neices to give to them for their birthdays in Spring and a set for Gramps and Nana's Playroom :)!
Oh - I guess I better make one for B-Man too :)

Thursday, December 12, 2013


G-Man enjoys lining up his toys.  He lines up toys and then goes to playwith something else - but always making sure that B-Man isn't touching his line up of toys. Which of course is the thing B-Man loves to do the most!

Finally after 9 months in our house - I managed to put the handles on our mud/laundry room cabinets.  I was quiet proud of myself fo doing it without Mr. Man's help :)

Mr. Man spoiled me with roses the other day :) I do love the man I married.  He is an amazing Husband and Daddy!

Sunday's Art

G-Man LOVES art.  Whether it be painting, colouring or playing with play-doh.
On Sunday's, when we are both around to keep an eye on where that paint bush goes, he gets to paint.  We made egg-carton catapillars and played with googly eyes.

Mr. Man had to paint G-Man which he of course thought was great...

…and then had to paint himself.

Needless to say he needed a bath after this activity!

He also found that he enjoys using both hands…

We enjoy art time too!

Putting Up the Tree

The first weekend in December we set up our Tree.  G-Man stayed up and helped! 
We bought a big, sparkle snow-flake for the top of the tree.

Dug out our Christmas ornaments from two years ago and enjoyed decorating our tree.

Someone was full of energy!

"Mommy no more"

It was fun building traditions with our G-Man.  He enjoyed it and so did we.  Now we have a pretty tree's lights sparkling every night and it makes with cold nights feel cozy!

*the bottom of our tree lacks decorations…yes - a one year old will make that happen!*

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

The Little Sprout's Great-Oma and Great-Opa

I was organizing my photo file on my computer and came across these.  These pictures were taken roughly 18 months apart.
I treasure these photos of the boys and their Great-Oma and Great-Opa!

Below is G-Man and to be honest he is still a child that won't sit still for long!

Below is B-Man and this is a great representation of his character - calm!

B-Man and his Great-Opa!

9AM Bath

Somedays I wonder how I will get through the rest of the day when by 9AM this little one is definitely already due for a bath!  I get through them with the help of my Heavenly Father and the blessings that continually smile and light up my day!

Christmas Planters

A couple of Saturdays ago - I was given the morning off being a Mommy and went shopping all-by-myself! It was refreshing and fun! (although I'll admit I was thinking about Mr. Man and the Little Sprouts the majority of the time!)
I purchased some pine/cedar type greenery at Lowes and a BIG sugar pine cone.  At home I dug up some Christmas decoration things and pulled our summer planters out of the garage and viola! Our Christmas Planters.  They took me about 15 minutes to make - so they definitely aren't amazing - but I was racing against B-Man waking up from his afternoon nap!
You like? I like! :)

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

A Cookie-Dough Monster

When the word "Cookie"is said in connection with baking G-Man is always very eagar to help. 

 Yes, this is why!

G-Man's Version of Mr. Potatoe Head

What is with this amount of eyes? We don't know! Every time he plays with Mr. Potatoe Head they get as many eyes as he can find. Try to help by taking out an eye and putting in a nose or mouth - watch out! He needs those eye in those spots!

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Just a Mommy

Sometimes I feel like I have not accomplished very much in a day. Sometimes I look back over the day, my to-do list and my pile of laundry and wonder what became of the day that I was given.
Then I hear the giggles and see the smiling Oreo covered cookie faces of our two Little Sprouts and I immediately know what became of my day.  Building Mega Block towers, making new Thomas the Train track routes, pretending to be Shere Khan from the “Jungle Books” movie, playing hide and seek, answering endless questions reading Clifford the Big Red Dog for the umpteenth time and cuddling B-man with a bottle while he pokes at my face and pulls out my earring!  Then I smile too! I smile at the sweet blessings that I’ve been given and the fun that fills my day.

The cleaning an scrubbing can wait till tomorrow.
But children grow up, as I've learned to my sorrow.
So quiet down cobwebs; Dust go to sleep!
I'm rocking my baby and babies don't keep.
- Ruth Hulbert Hamilton

Just a Mommy - I think not!  If you have been blessed to be a Mommy to little, or grown children, you will know that it is come of the highest and most rewarding careers that you as a Mommy can have.  It may seem boring at times and you may not feel recognized by others who seems to have career success, but let me assure you, being “Just” a Mommy is very rewarding.
Rewarding in the fact that is it amazing to see the new things that they learn each day, the way they want to be close to you, listen to you read stories, give them kisses, the way they humble you and remind you that you are not prefect and are needing forgiveness as well, the way they smile and call you Mommy, and the fact that you are raising a child entrusted to you by our Heavenly Father!  It is also rewarding to be able to serve your husband and your children.  What a great blessing it is at be a stay at home Mommy!

So, next time someone asks me what I do for a job, I’m going to smile and say with pride, “I’m a Mommy, which is the most amazing and rewarding career ever!”.

Friday, November 15, 2013

G-man's Current Favourite Dinner

When Mr. Man and I have a meal like this yummy, delicious and oh so good veggie packed chicken stir-fry…

Our G-man gets his favourite meal...

…corn on the cob!

Just look at thos cubby hands on this guy! No butter, no salt - just plain corn!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Doll Sized

When I was a little girl I had a great wooden doll high chair - which I kept great care of and still have it!   It is downstairs in the play area and while Mr. Man and G-man were building the Thomas track B-man was enjoying a great view.  Doesn't he look happy to be doll sized (don't let the word doll sized trick you - this doll is over 20 pounds!)

A Glimps of Time

Raising Boys. Yes, we definitely are!
"dinky" cars are a favourite with both boys

Blocks and crashing towers

and tractors and combines! 

Typical Lunch Time with the Little Sprouts!

G-man is a lot of fun lately.  He is constantly learning the names of food that we eat and starting to request certain items.
"Fench Fies" were on the request list today!

He also has two favourite Thomas Trains (Victor and Stanely) that go everywhere with him.  They eat breakfast and lunch too :)

B-man is a very happy and easy lunch eater.  He LOVES his yogurt and will out eat G-man at lunch time no problem!

 This is his FAVOURITE yogurt! (and his Daddy's too!)

Our G-man deep in thought! Sometimes I would love to know what is going through his brain and his thought patterns.  For being 28 months - somethings he does, remembers or says amaze me!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Bye-Bye Facebook

I did it! I actually did it! I deleted my Facebook account.

Some of you are probably thinking *GASP! She did what? How will she survive?Why would she do such a crazy thing like that!*

Well, I am going to be honest, very honest with you.

1. I was not being the wife and mother that God has called me to be.  I was wasting to much of the precious time that He has given me glued to Facebook and the blessing that He gave me were suffering.  It reminds me of a poem that my Mom taught me as a little girl that is really convicting!
 I have only just a minute.
Only sixty seconds in it.
Forced upon me, can’t refuse it.
Didn’t seek it, didn’t choose it.
But it’s up to me to use it.
I must suffer if I lose it.
Give account if I abuse it.
Just a tiny little minute,
but eternity is in it.

2. I was spending more time and being more religious reading Facebook updates then I was reading and spending time with my Saviour.  He deserves first place in my life.  He did incredible things to give me the promise of eternal life with Him, why am I not praising and spending more time with Him?!

3. I was tired of having to “keep up” and “be someone”.  I wanted to just be me.  I wanted have the quiet, carefree, stress free, simple life once again!  

So, I’m Facebook free! Our family is Facebook free.  Our thoughts after experiencing this way of life for a little while...
We are spending more time making our good marriage a GREAT marriage.
We are getting to bed on time!
We are spending more time encouraging, teaching and enjoying our children.
We are creating new memories and enjoying life with both of us paying full attention.
We are enjoying yummy, healthy and delicious meals.
We are enjoying a clean, neat and tidy home.
We are missing events and important announcements that are appearing on Facebook    group pages, but that is of a tiniest bit of importance, because living a fresh life is more satisfactory than missing a couple of events.

I’ll admit, Mr. Man was in shock when I told him that I deleted Facebook.  I had to repeat myself because of the “Pardon?” (accompanied by a blank stare) that I received when I first told him.  His response “Babe I’m proud of you! I’ve been waiting five years for this!”  Wow! I didn’t know that it had become that bad!  After half a week without Facebook Mr. Man brought me home a beautiful bouquet of red roses!  He makes me smile!

To be honest, the first few days of being Facebook free were hard.  Very hard.  I was constantly wondering what was the newest status that everyone was commenting on, who had cute new pictures up and which friends actually cared enough to notice that I wasn’t on Facebook anymore (Vain, I know!).  After the first couple of days things got much better.  I no longer was creating everything we did into a Facebook status update in my mind, I was no longer curious about status and pictures, because I knew that if something very important happened, I would find out eventually.

These days, I am enjoying my life, my husband and my sweet Little Sprouts.  Life is becoming a beautiful and wonderful life and my eyes are constantly being opened to all the blessings in my life.  Blessing that I never even realized before.  I am putting my time and energy into my family and my house (you should see me go!).  

I feel free.  I feel happy.  I feel blessed beyond measure.

My only regret - not deleting Facebook the day I met Mr. Man!

*I am not and will not judge anyone who has Facebook.  I ask you to not judge me either.  I was honest with you and shared my reasons.  My reason will not be your reasons.  We are all created differently with different needs, wants, strengths and weaknesses.  Facebook was my weakness.  I may join Facebook again someday, but for now, my God given responsibility is to be the best wife and mother that I can be, with all He has given me, to this family He has blessed me with.* 

Thursday, October 3, 2013

From the Mouth of Little Sprout #1 - 003

B learned to crawl this week.
As G heads down the stairs, B crawls over to the stairs and peeks over.
G, now at the bottom, looks up and says...
"B jump me catch you! Jump B!"

Wednesday, October 2, 2013


What can I say, it is Wednesday, and we are halfway through the work week!  This blog might get repetative for you, my readers, but it helps me see what we did during the day, the smiling faces of our Little Sprouts and helps me remember the greatest job in this world is being a PARENT!

G's new winter boots finally arrived in the mail yesterday!  I ordered them online from Crocs and since they were last winters colour combo, they were 60% off the price.  For Grayson's snowsuit, this is the exact colour combo I needed!  We ordered size 8, they are a little big, but he will probably be grown into them before winter is over.  They are nice and light, he wouldn't stand still and wore them around the house for an hour or so!

This morning, after breakfast, we went for a walk in the cool, crisp air, before it warmed up.  Both boys love walks!

Once we arrived home, B was ready for a nap, and G wanted to bake!  So we made pumpkin muffins!
G was helping every step of the way...

He took the task of putting liners in the trays very carefully.  He used no rhyme or reason when placing the liners, it was really interesting to see!

In the oven and waiting for a fresh, warm, pumpkin muffin!

The boys LOVED the soft, moist muffins!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

For "Boppa"

G loves to talk about "Boppa" and his Truck & Tractor & RotoTriller.
And he LOVES his "Boppa"!
Every black truck we see is "Boppa's Truck" 

G's Apron

Late last night I decided to finally put my mind to it and start G's apron!  I needed total concentration to make the pattern and cut it out, so that is what I did last night.  This morning after breakfast I set to work ironing on the Vinyl and sewing it!  G kept asking if his apron was "Done Sewing Mommy? Mine?"

Trying it on his! He loved it and wouldn't stand still for the picture! He thought running around in it was great!  I made it with snaps, so that as he grows a little bigger in the next 1-2 years I can just expand the snaps and not have to remake the apron.  Gotta love those snaps!
Now he is all ready to help "make Brownie's Mommy" and lick out the bowl!

After cleaning up all the blocks and toys last night, before breakfast this morning the floor already looked this this.  G busy making his "twain trawk"and B happily chewing on G's soother without G finding out.  It took G about 30 minutes to finally realize that B had his soother - B was in his glory with that prized soother of G's!

...and now to finish our day with laundry, dinner making and housework!
(and get me some sinutab...currently a snuffleupagus along with both little sprouts)

Monday, September 30, 2013

From the Mouth of Little Sprout #1 - 002

This is about 90% of the time the first words out of G's mouth first thing in the morning.

"Mommy! B up! Me Daddy's oomeal, my apple key, and Com!"

(Translation: Mommy! B is awake! I want Cheerios, a Sippy Cup of Apple Juice and Backkom on YouTube!")

This little boy just loves routine!

If you've never watched Backkom/Bernard Bear on YouTube, you really should! G and his Daddy love to laugh and laugh at that crazy bear!  

A Block Building Kind of Day!

This morning we woke up to some dismal weather and Mommy decided to pull out the blocks!
Our Little Sprouts and their Mommy spent all day with the blocks! They were a BIG hit today!
Before getting dressed for the day G was already building towers...

...and B was busy taste testing the the blocks...YUMMY!

Mommy used the blocks to spell and G decided his lady needed steps!

Once B was down for his morning nap, G asked Mommy "Me help make brownies Mommy!"
He is turning out to be a really big help and insisted on putting all the scoops of ingredients into the mixing bowl and running the mixer.
(OH - and not to forget the taste testing!)

More block creations.  
We are actually pretty amazed at his hand eye coordination. 
 We joke he should be a surgeon.

Building "wow-we" towers with Daddy almost as tall as G!

Here is Daddy's art work on "Daddy's Owie!"

We enjoyed time outside cleaning the truck and walked to the mail.  We couldn't let such a beautiful fall day pass without some time enjoying the fresh, crisp fall air.
Unfortunately B and me have a case of the sniffles *sniff* *sniff*!